Disclaimer policy

All the information that this website represent is up to date and correct to our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee representations or warranties of any kind, implied or expressed about the information on this website is always complete, correct and up to date and/or that its use shall help visitors achieve their intended goals. In case you find any information that you may want further explanation about, please do not hesitate to contact us at tarsiwear@outlook.com.

In the drafting and development of this website and its contents, tarsi.com strives for the utmost accuracy. That being said, the content made available through this website is for information purposes only. Tarsi.com shall in no case be held liable for any damages, regardless of their nature, directly or indirectly caused by actions or decisions based on the information obtained on or through this website used otherwise without our knowledge or consent by any third party that may include online and offline sources.

Tarsi.com does not take responsibility to any third party site that is linked to us. We do not represent any third party websites or businesses that are not under the control of Tarsi.com and that try to ascertain their business claiming to be a part of Tarsi.com. If you receive any requests or queries from such businesses claiming behalf of Tarsi.com, please do not hesitate to report us with full details on tarsiwear@outlook.com.

We take a lot of precautions and keep our website updated regularly, and during regular updates and maintenance we will announce in advance if the site needs to be taken down for maintenance purposes. However, Tarsi does not take any responsibility and will not be liable for any loses due to technical difficulties caused due to unforeseen consequences that occur and are not under our control.

In case of any query or if you require any clarity on any details mentioned above, please do not hesitate to contact us on tarsiwear@outlook.com.